Our Top Tips

A little preparation goes a long way and, with our top tips, you'll be sure to get the most out of your toasting session.

Opening the lid

We tend to use the end of the bamboo skewers but you can also use a teaspoon.

Using the Toaster

Although the Toaster is very safe to use, common sense and care should be taken at all times.

If toasting indoors, place the toaster on a heatproof plate or board just in case you use the toaster for a long time.

Once finished toasting, simply slide the lid over the top, to snuff out the flame and allow to cool down (usually takes 5-10 minutes). Press the lid on firmly and then re-use again and again.

Did you know our Toaster will last for circa 3 to 3.5 hours in total and can be re-used multiple times? As it’s super portable can be used easily indoors & outdoors! How cool is that!?

Melting the Chocolate

Use a metal camping mug over the toaster with a small amount of chocolate - you can always melt more if needed and that way you can enjoy more sessions!